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About me

I am a certified coach with the Association for Professional Coaching (APC) and I am a practitioner of
NLP, Timelines and Hypnotherapy.
I specialise in Transformational Coaching, a powerful technique for transforming behaviours, responses and patterns of thinking controlled by the subconscious mind. I have been coaching for many years, helping people to achieve their goals. I have a Masters Degree and an Advanced Diploma in personal leadership and executive coaching.


What brought me to this field was that at 60 I was hospitalized with the consequences of poorly controlled high blood pressure. I had problems walking, my balance was shaky, I was suffering memory lapses and brain fog. This took me on a quest to regain my health. On the journey I discovered links between nutrition, exercise, relaxation, sleep and physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This quest for restored health, together with longstanding interests in nutrition and life coaching, brought me to the field of health and wellness coaching.


I am an accredited practitioner of coaching, NLP, hypnotherapy and Timelines and am a member of the Association for Professional Coaching. I hold a certificate in Christian Mentoring and Coaching from Moorlands college and BA(hons) and Masters degrees from the University of Chester.

Get in Touch.

Helping mature adults regain the vigour and energy of youth


Everlead Theme.

457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579