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Transformation Coaching

Transformational Coaching is my approach to dealing with subconscious patterns of thought that are behind automatic negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs and behaviours that sabotage our best-laid plans.

If you are at a crossroads, trying to build a new career, start a business, or simply break out of habits and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you, this is what you need!

Three 45 minute sessions once a week, as a guide, will cover the following:

–  assess the ‘little devils’

–  weaken them and transform your thinking

–  develop your inner wisdom to create mastery.

£300 for 3 weekly 45-minute online sessions - book now!

£300 for 3 weekly 45-minute online sessions – book now!

Health and Welness Coaching helps clients to (re)discover the relationships between lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep patterns, relaxation, and physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. I assist clients in exploring the relationships between various life areas and the impact these have on health and wellness. I hold them accountable for pursuing goals and building a lifestyle that will provide them with balance and personal vitality. As a guide, three 45 minutes sessions once a week will cover:

–  setting priorities based on questions answered by the client

–  goals set by the client

–  reviewing progress and discussions to promoter ongoing success.

Health and Wellness Coaching

Frank Mason

Life Transformation Coach.

Facilitating change that lasts.

Frank Mason


Everlead Theme.

457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579